Part II SEO Guide Using High Power Back Links – How To

High Power Backlinks SEO Guide


– The Secret to Achieving Massive Results for Your Business Online

Part II.

or take me to part I.


What is a high power backlink?  First of all, if you have had a business online for any amount of time you probably know what a backlink is.  For those of you who don’t, a backlink is simply a “link back” to your site, from someone else’s site.

Why do backlinks help SEO? Backlinks are one of Google’s  (or other search engine) ways to determine how important your site is.  If Google sees you have large numbers of backlinks coming from very important sites (think versus then your site will be deemed “important”, and subsequently, when a potential customer types in a search query that corresponds to content on your site, Google will choose to display your site over one who has similar content but not as many backlinks.

How do you get backlinks?  There are hundreds of ways to get backlinks, but there is only one





(ok you get it, it’s pretty cool)

Way to get backlinks that will always produce results.  And, if you do it right, Google will never be able to penalize you for doing “black hat” seo, like those crazy Penguin

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updates tend to do to business owners who aren’t doing it right.

How is it possible that you will not get penalized by Google doing this type of SEO?  Here’s what we are doing.  We are building full on sites, on aged domains (that are already highly ranked and backlinked), essentially creating partnerships with sites that are already ours (but the big guys don’t know it).

Like I said before, I was a dummy at this stuff a year ago, now I am killing it in searches for tons of websites, and tons of keywords.


Here is the step by step list.  I am linking each step to a blog post, or to a video that will give you more in-depth knowledge of each.  If I don’t have a link there, I will soon.

I realize there are a lot of guys out there that will start to tell you how to do this stuff and then leave major key pieces out that will leave you scratching your head, but I experienced all of the frustration so you won’t have to.

Here Are The High PR Domain Keys:

  1. Find Yourself a Great “aged” domain.
  2. Host the domain
  3. Build a WordPress site on the server
  4. Write some decent content for the site
  5. Add in pictures and links to your target site
  6. Watch your ranking climb

You guys are going to go crazy with how well this works and get addicted to buying these aged domains like I am.  Careful though!  I want to help you avoid the mistakes I made when I started though so you don’t waste a boatload of money.   Don’t just go crazy buying domains and get drowned paying hosting fees and auction fees.  It will kill you, trust me.

If you don’t want to wait for me to make videos for all of the steps, sign up for the newsletter and I will give you the high pr seo training you need.

Click Here for the SEO Master Key Email Tutorial


Take me to Part III!

Part III How to buy expired PR Godaddy Domains



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